Hello there everyone!
Taking a small break from posting up pictures and details from my trip to Korea! I decided to just post some pictures about great deals on food, and super delicious foods that I have had the pleasure of trying out lately.
First stop is a super good deal for dinner. $3.99 Canadian for a good Chinese boxed dinner with your choice of daily soup, chrysanthemum tea, or soya milk. This is tax included. I know. Amazing. This place is located in a plaza across the street from Pacific Mall (where Star wok buffet was?) It is a food court.
Beef brisket with rice noodles. I chose chrysanthemum tea. |
Right beside the food court, you will find an amazing Cantonese dessert house. This place is called Hung Fook Tong. They serve herbal teas and desserts. The origin of this dessert house is from Hong Kong. I came here on two different occasions, and I enjoyed the desserts every time.
Red bean with grass jelly in a coconut milk drink. |
Grass jelly dessert with mixed fruit and chia seeds with a little bit of coconut milk base. |
Now, I'm not
only about eating out. I love myself a home cooked meal. I was working a promotional bit for Saputo Mozzarellissima cheese, and they had some leftovers for us to bring home. I brought it home and decided to test the stretchiness of this "ULTIMATE" cooking cheese. Believe me when I say it is true to its name and claims. I made a pizza with pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms and fresh roma tomatoes, featuring the one and only Mozzarellissima cheese. I got nothing but praise from my family.
See how far that cheese stretches? Delicious gooey-ness at it's best. |
Finally, this one sushi place is seriously the best I have ever had in Toronto. I first came here with my boyfriend and his family after we went on an adventure to Esc-It. Esc-It is a place where you try to escape a room with the clues you have to find in said room. The second time was this weekend. The sushi here is super duper fresh, and the amount of selection you get and the quality of the food is just amazing. Where is this place? Ten-Ichi is its name, and here is the address. 4810 Sheppard Avenue East. For dinner on the weekends, it is kinda pricey $26 Canadian, but as a treat it was soooo worth it.
This is picture proof that we escaped our room! We needed two hints though...so technically we didn't really pass. But in my mind, I was a genius and super awesome. |
Last but definitely not least, my first ever Sushi boat. I was drooling. |
I hope you all enjoyed this random post about foods that I have had this past...while. I hope to be able to post more in the near future. Hugs and kisses!
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