Hello my humans of the interwebs!
Prepare yourself for a long post! :3 (Consider this a warning)
So this Halloween (
Thursday, October 31), I invited some buddies over to just hang out. I didn't want to hand out candy anymore...because many high school kids don't even dress up and it irks me. Back in my day, we had to make an effort to get candy! One time, this house made me sing/dance/tell a joke to get candy, I was already in a costume too! (I was like...14? Don't judge! I'm Asian. I look young enough to pull off 18 even now so yeah ^-^;;) Soo...my iPhone broke halfway through the evening. That meant that all my photos and information was gone. I went to get the phone fixed the very next day, and I have recovered my precious data!!! (you have no idea how ecstatic I am about having my phone back) Here it is! :3
Our delicious snackies and drinks :3 |
Decided to party like adults for a day.
We are all of legal drinking age around the world and drank responsibly. (I promise) |
Chocolate covered almonds, popcorn, Reese minis, dark chocolate M&Ms, Tostitos and Terra chips. Delicious! |
I was dressed as little miss Beetlejuice. ;) I'm little miss Beetlejuice and not lady Beetlejuice cuz I didn't have time to go grab a wig and all that makeup business...yeah I had a bad day and I was lazy. |
Sourpuss and perrier cocktail (we added fruit juice in it later on too!)
Got these cute martini glasses from my mom. |
We partied like nerds we played Puerto Rico (blurry picture...perhaps I had one too many drinks?) |
Apparently I did drink too much...cuz I knocked over the M&Ms and almost ate a colonist (the brown dot that isn't an M&M) while I was trying to tidy up my board. Aaaand the picture is blurry again! sigh.... |
Also on the very next day (
Friday, November 1), Lucas' best friend brought us to Nando's after we went to the phone repair shop. Now, for some of you, this might not be something amazing, but I've never been. The boys were just raving on, and on about the ice cream dessert, and I just couldn't wait to try it. This is what happened:
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We were order number 2! I don't know why, but this pepper thing was really interesting at the time... |
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I had the Peri-Peri chicken (1/4 chicken) and fries (I wanted vegetables, but I guess the lady didn't hear me)
It was pretty delicious! I'm glad I went with Medium spiciness because it was just right. :)
In case you were wondering, the boys got either Hot or Extra-Hot (deadly X_X) |
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The infamous ice cream! It is soooo cold, but so delicious! I highly recommend this! |
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There is mango ice cream on the inside, vanilla on the outside, then it is rolled in a layer of fine coconut flakes. (It looks like an egg!) It is then topped off with a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce. Mmmmmm.....
I normally dislike the taste of coconut, but this beauty is delicious. |
Saturday! I made a little hangout plan with my bffs of all time (the ones in the tea picture I posted last time ;3). We just decided to grab brunch at my favourite brunch place everrrr (Cora's) and then we just hung out and watched movies (I earned myself a movie migraine from this...=_= but it was worth it!). Giggled and gossiped like girls (not really......>.>;;;) Then for dinner, we just made some gourmet looking instant noodles ;) Here's what this eventful day looked like:
I started off my day with some Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks! (My order is generally really fussy...heh...)
I was really sad to see that the fall drinks were gone. Cuz apparently...fall ends after Halloween =( I really wanted PSL |
I ordered the Theo Skillet at Cora's. Doesn't it look delicious? (I managed to grab a picture after 3 bites of food)
A baked skillet of a bunch of veggies and potato with cheese.
Topped with an egg cooked to your liking (I like over easy), served with a side of fruit. |
I also got a delicious Strawberry banana smoothie!
It comes with a slice of fruit! (It was garnished with a slice of pineapple, but I gave that to one of my friends to eat...) |
Aside from their food tasting great, I love that Cora's presentation for their food is exceptional. Look at that beauty!
I love that the food always looks exactly like the photo taken for the menu. <3 |
One of my bffs went to visit Seattle, and I asked her to bring me something from the original Starbucks. My wish was granted! I am so happy! (If you want, you can find her blog here, http://jygsawpuzzle.blogspot.ca/ She posts awesome stuff on her adventures around the world (kinda but not really). She takes really good pictures ;3) |
She bought some more mugs for her apartment, and we used those to drink water and stuff today. |
This is our gourmet instant noodle dinner. Doesn't it just look amazing?
We have dip and veggies in the center in case we got the munchies in the middle or after dinner. :3 |
It's gourmet because we put a lobster tail there (I took reactin before eating ;3), a poached egg, kale, spinach, garnished with some red pepper and sesame seeds. *drools* |
Finally, we have reached Sunday, the day of my birthday. Yes, I was born on November 3. Growing up, nothing exciting ever happened on my birthday, and it always made me a little sad. But now that I'm older, I really don't care too much anymore. As long as I had good company and a nice birthday cake, I'm all good.
I started my morning with a surprise visit from my little brother (whose room is down the hall). He wished me happy birthday and ordered me around his room to give me my birthday present. This meant a lot to me, since it reminded me of the good old days when we would just fool around and bother each other. Then we went for some dim sum with my family and Lucas and his dad. If you are Chinese, or know other Chinese people, you will know that you can never get between them and their dim sum. So needless to say, I didn't get time to take pictures before the food was devoured or being devoured. I'm sorry.
The real celebration was with the dinner. My loving daddy cooked the whole meal for me (step mum made the veggies) Now, I just realized as I am typing this sentence that I did not take pictures of my birthday dinner. I feel really bad right now...I'm really really sorry! I was really just happy to spend this time with my family and I honestly forgot to take pictures. I can only explain what I had:
- Steamed Chicken
- Steamed Pork Ribs
- Mustard leaves (boiled)
- Boiled baby Bok Choy
- Wok fried Cabbage in coconut oil
- Mapo Tofu
- All served with a healthy serving of steamed rice
What I CAN show you is my birthday cake (Strawberry Custard Cake), and my lovely baby orchid plant that my parents bought me. A few months ago, I might have mentioned that I wanted one. They surprised me with it by remembering, and it is really beautiful.
Strawberry Custard Cake (bought from Longos)
It is decorated with glazed strawberries and marbled chocolates. The edge is covered in toasted sliced almonds.
The little thing with my name on it was a block of pure sugar. Yummy, but deadly. |
Baby Orchid plant! It may not look small in this angle, but I assure you the pot is the size of my iPhone. Or smaller! |
This was a very busy few days for me, and it was very enjoyable. I warned you at the beginning that this would be a long post. I'm grateful that you have made it this far! You have my thanks and respect c: (Also, if you wish you comment, say..."chinchillas are cool" in your comment to show me you have a greater attention span than a goldfish...and me...combined. >_>;)
I didn't show my "birthday treasures" because I don't believe in flaunting the materials you have/get (other than the super awesome plant that I really thought was cute and just had to show the world!). In my opinion, my birthday is a day to celebrate that I am alive for another year. I am thankful that I have been allowed to walk this Earth and meet the people that I have met, and had the chance to know and love. So I thank you all for reading my blog post(s), and I hope you will follow me on my journey of recording events of my life so I don't forget them later on.
Much love, good luck, and I wish you all happiness