Thursday, 15 August 2013

Decorating my room...and my first requested video...

Haro peoples~
So...due to a lack of things to do for the summer, I have decided it was time to re-decorate my room to suit my age a bit more. I haven't really done much to my room since I first decorated the walls back in highschool, so I think it's time. First of all, this is how my room used to look like.
This is the neatest my room has ever been...
You see how I had random posters everywhere? Yeah...I was obsessed with anime and cute things soooo... yeah. Not a very nice look for a 23 year old's room.

I have now transformed that wall into this:
I've got loads of pictures of people I love and from events I want to remember. 
I've always liked the look of hanging photographs onto a thin piece of string like this. I haven't taken down the glow-in-the-dark sticker things yet, but one of these days...maybe.

And the wall opposite it with a lamp, looks like this:
Yup. I hung up my creations =D
I feel so much better after this. I feel like I've allowed myself to grow up a little just by re-decorating, and it motivates me to start cleaning my room up. I am generally quite messy...and I guess acknowledging the fact is the first step in the right direction.

Another reason I did all this ... or really...the main reason was to procrastinate in making this requested tag video...a subscriber requested this, and I guess it was funky and awkward enough for me to agree. (Or because I was sleep deprived...) You can skip the video if you want to spare yourself the awkwardness of the whole thing...But for you weird awkward turtles out there, here it is...I hope you enjoy how awkward this is...The bellybutton tag:

Any ways, I hope you all enjoyed this wonderful Thursday, and I guess I'll see you next time!

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